Dora Matt King's first wife is crazy about the Women's Christian Temperance Union. Some feel she's just plain crazy. She loves to sing and wield her ax.
Cecil King's first-born is a jock with dreams of making moving pictures for posterity, films of big sporting events and exotic cultures.
Mary Martha Cecil's wife insists a universal language won't help until people learn better ways. She wants to set up a utopian community, but can she live with anyone?
Freda Cecil and Mary Martha's daughter psychoanalyzes everyone and insists nothing will work until people get in touch with their Id. Everyone agrees King should give her money to go away. Let her study under Freud and drive him nuts.
Conrad King's second son, a traveling brush salesman, insists man's greatest need is for faster transportation. He can make a fortune building motorcars with dad's financial help.
Polly Wife #2 refuses to turn their estate into an institute and become a housekeeper for birds and fish. She wants to live in Paris and further son Oscar's art career.
Oscar Polly's first-born believes in art for art's sake. In the long run it will be more beneficial than any of these other schemes in helping people see. Observers of his art wonder what he sees.
B.C. Last-born son of Polly and King is a superior being with infinite knowledge and uses his scientific understanding of family foibles to get his way.