Type Chart of the 16 Types by Jeanne Marlowe |
Operator |
ISFiP Performer |
INFiP Questor |
INTiP Architect |
ESeTP Promoter |
ESeFP Entertainer |
ENeFP Journalist |
ENeTP Entrepreneur |
ESTeJ Manager |
ESFeJ Caretaker |
ENFeJ Teacher |
ENTeJ Director |
ISiTJ Investigator |
ISiFJ Conservator |
INiFJ Author |
INiTJ Scientist |
The occupational titles merely suggest work that may attract each type and are intended as an aid to understanding each type’s approach to life.
They should never be used for hiring decisions or career planning and are not intended as a restriction or stereotype.
Jeanne Marlowe,
M.A. INFP 614/476-8802 jamarlowe@juno.com www.personalitypathways.com/marlowe
® Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ® and MBTI ® are registered trademarks of CPP, Inc. |